Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical option for patients with Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, dystonia, epilepsy, and Tourette’s syndrome and obsessive compulsive disorder.

During DBS surgery a thin electrode is implanted within a specific area of the brain and connected to a battery- operated neurostimulator (similar to a pacemaker). The neurostimulator is surgically placed in the chest wall during the same operation as electrode placement. Once in place, the neurostimulator(s) are programmed to deliver a mild electrical pulse to the area of the brain that controls the abnormal movements associated with their disorder. By adjusting the stimulation, patients can experience relieved or decreased symptoms of tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement, stiffness, and balance.

Patients Who May Benefit from DBS

  • Patients with moderate to severe Parkinson's disease, who experience adequate control of their symptoms with medications but are having less “on” time.
  • Any patient who is not satisfied with his/her increasing loss of control of movement related to tremor or dystonia.
  • A patient who experiences symptoms which are causing a decline in the quality of their life.
  • Patients with medically refractory generalized epilepsy.
  • Patients with severe cases of medically refractory Tourette’s syndrome or obsessive compulsive disorder.

How is DBS Performed?

Patients obtain a high-resolution MRI under general anesthesia several weeks before surgery to be used for surgical planning. Patients are admitted to the hospital the morning of their procedure They do NOT have to stop their Parkinson’s or other medications  for the procedure.

The procedure is performed entirely under general anesthesia or “asleep,” as well as with robotic assistance. A stereotactic frame is placed on the head after the patient is asleep. Once the frame is placed, an intraoperative CT scan is performed and merged with the preoperative MRI and robotic planning software. 

A minimally-invasive neurosurgical technique is performed for lead placement, with smaller incisions and smaller 3mm skull openings.. Lead placement is guided by robotic assistance with or without microelectrode recordings, along with neuro-monitoring. 

Lead placement is confirmed by another intraoperative CT scan. The frame is then removed, and the electrodes are tunneled to the chest and connected to the pulse generator. 

Following the procedure, the patient is admitted and monitored in the hospital overnight, with discharge home typically the next day.

Following Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Surgery

Routine post-operative office visits will be scheduled to evaluate post-op recovery and healing approximately 2 weeks after release from the hospital.

Programming of the neurostimulators is begun approximately one month post-operatively. This is an exciting time for both patient and family.

A series of adjustments will be made over the next several months to achieve optimal results. Patients who have undergone DBS typically see improvement in their symptoms and experience an improvement in the quality of their life. In addition, patients are able to reduce their daily medications post-operatively.

Benefits of Choosing the Cooper Neurological Institute for DBS

Islam Fayed, MD, MS is the Director of Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery and offers a team of qualified and compassionate professionals who are involved in a patient’s care.

The Cooper Neurological Institute DBS Program is based on the concept of collaborative medicine. Our team includes professionals from neurosurgery, neurology, neuro-psychiatry, psychiatry, and anesthesia, including physician assistants, nursing and secretarial professionals. We understand the difficulty in making a decision for surgical intervention and offer a comprehensive treatment approach to patients, as well as family support.