Katharine Hommes, MSN, MPH, APN, FNP-BC

4.91 out of 5 (29 ratings, 8 reviews)
Ratings and Reviews


Cooper University Health Care Titles

  • Advanced Practice Nurse

Specialty Certifications

American Nurses Credentialing Center (Family Nurse Practitioner)

Professional Type

Cooper Advanced Practice Provider



Office Locations

Camden, Voorhees
Cooper Advanced Care Center - Urology

Three Cooper Plaza
Suite 403
Camden , NJ 08103
Phone: 856.963.3577
Maps & Directions

Cooper Urology at Voorhees

2401 Evesham Road
Voorhees , NJ 08043
Maps & Directions

Education & Training

Graduate SchoolMSN - Graceland University, Independence, MO

Special Interests

Osteoporosis, diabetes, thyroid, weight loss

Ratings and Reviews

Ratings and reviews come from patient responses to health care provider-related questions on the Clinician and Group Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CG-CAHPS) Patient Experience Survey that Cooper sends to patients after outpatient office visits.  Learn more about our survey and how ratings are calculated >>

Overall Rating

4.91 out of 5 (29 ratings, 8 reviews)
Dec 12, 2023
Dr. Catherine takes the time to help me understand my health issues. She is smart, calm and relatable. I feel very comfortable in her care
Nov 12, 2023
Very good and respectful provider
Nov 12, 2023
To be honest, I was not looking forward to this visit because my A1C level had increased. The stress at my job has been ridiculous the past couple months. I was relieved and rejuvenated by the compassion from Kathy Hommes to encouraged me to put the past behind and keep trying each day - it's always a work in progress. Through working with the Cooper Diabetes Support Group, we've identified some good recipes, journaling ideas and just conversation with others who are struggling and sharing ideas about what works for them. I'm feeling encouraged and continue to work each day on better health and habits to keep the blood glucose under control. Always a work in progress! :)
Nov 12, 2023
Very Good. She addressed my concerns.
Sep 12, 2023
Treated with respect. Answered questions. Knowledgeable
Jul 12, 2023
The provider took time to listen to my concerns and addressed them. She did not rush. She asked me if I understood. She was very professional!
Jul 12, 2023
Excellent visit with Ms. Hommes.
May 12, 2023
Most thorough visit ever experienced.