Because There Is More Life to Live

When you get a second opinion from the experts at MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, you get more ... Information. Options. Confidence.

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with cancer or if you are wondering what other options are available using advanced treatments and new technologies, consider getting a second opinion at MD Anderson at Cooper, South Jersey’s largest and most experienced cancer team. No one fights cancer alone.

The Benefits of a Second Opinion

A second opinion at MD Anderson at Cooper can:

  • Give you confidence you are doing everything you can to beat your cancer.
  • Make you feel more empowered and in control of your cancer diagnosis.
  • Provide you with reassurance and peace of mind.
  • Confirm or offer a different diagnosis. Our physicians, including radiologists and pathologists, specialize in particular types of cancer, including rare cancers, and use advanced studies such as genomic testing to identify characteristics in the make-up of your cancer, which could make a significant difference in determining the most effective treatment plan.

Why Get a Second Opinion?

Many people diagnosed with cancer feel overwhelmed when they receive their diagnosis, and often want to start treatment immediately. In most cases, though, there’s time to do some research to make sure your diagnosis is correct and the treatment plan you have been given makes sense — and this may include getting a second opinion.

Getting a second opinion at MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper means having another cancer specialist, or a team of specialists, review all of your medical reports and test results, give an opinion about your diagnosis, and suggest treatment options.

A second opinion may confirm your original doctor’s diagnosis and treatment plan, provide more details about the type and stage of cancer, raise additional treatment options you hadn’t considered, or recommend a different course of action. 

You may feel uncomfortable telling your current doctor that you want a second opinion. But doctors are used to hearing this request and often recommend that their patients get a second opinion. You will find that they will be supportive of your request. 

For most people, delaying the start of treatment for a short time usually does not pose a risk, although you and your doctor can discuss your situation and decide how much of a delay is okay. 

What to Expect During a Cancer Second Opinion Evaluation

During a second-opinion evaluation at MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, one of our cancer experts will meet with you and perform a comprehensive evaluation of your current and past medical history.

Your MD Anderson at Cooper second-opinion physician may recommend that you undergo additional diagnostic testing to confirm the type and stage of your cancer.  He or she will collaborate with other members of the team specializing in your cancer to get opinions from our surgeons, radiation oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, and other specialists.  After a thorough assessment, our team will provide you with an independent diagnosis that includes the type and stage of cancer, and recommendations for treatment to provide you with the best possible outcomes. 

Exploring a second opinion can help you make a more informed decision about your cancer treatment. It can also introduce you to advanced treatment options including clinical trials that may not be available at other hospitals.

Insurance Coverage for a Cancer Second Opinion

Most insurance providers pay for a second opinion when cancer is suspected or diagnosed. However, before making an appointment, ask your insurance provider about coverage. Ask if there is a requirement of selecting from a specific group of doctors. Some insurance providers even require a second opinion before they will pay for cancer treatment.

Preparing for the Appointment: What to Bring

Gather all of your relevant medical records to bring to the appointment, including:

  • Results of any tests or procedures you have already undergone.
  • Images from your most recent imaging tests, such as computed tomography (CT) scan, PET CT scan, MRIs and ultrasounds.
  • Pathology slides from the biopsy used to determine your original diagnosis. 

During Your Appointment

During your second opinion consultation, you may find it helpful to bring a notebook with you to take notes during the consultation. Writing down the information you learn allows you to review it later.

We also invite you to have a family member or caregiver come with you, as it can be helpful to have another person listen, take part in the conversation, and take notes.

We encourage you to ask questions, including asking the doctor to explain something that you did not fully understand. It is important to feel confident that you have the information you need to make the best treatment decision.

For a second opinion evaluation appointment at MD Anderson at Cooper call 856.536.1215.