If you or a loved one suffers from a disease or injury related to the foot or ankle, every step can be a reminder of the pain.
Comprehensive Approach to Care
The team at the Cooper Bone and Joint Institute’s Comprehensive Foot and Ankle Program provides an individualized approach to care. Our team of podiatrists, orthopaedic surgeons, and physical therapists works together to create a comprehensive treatment plan based on your needs to get you back to the highest level of function possible.
We treat a broad range of conditions, including:
- Arthritis
- Bunions
- Congenital and adult deformities
- Hammertoes
- Neuromas
- Heel pain
- Tendon injuries
- Tendonitis
- Traumatic injuries
- Plantar fasciitis
- Acquired flat foot deformity
- Flat and high-arch feet
- Malunions of bone, joints, and tendons
Advanced Treatment Options
At Cooper Bone and Joint Institute, we offer the latest cutting-edge surgical and non-surgical treatment options.
If your condition can be treated non-surgically, we offer conservative approaches, including:
- Physical therapy
- Prescription orthotics and braces
- Platelet-rich plasma injections
- Ultrasound-guided cortisone injections
- Other minimally invasive treatment techniques
If conservative measures fail to control foot and ankle pain, you may need surgery. Our foot surgeons offer the latest in reconstructive techniques, including:
- Minimally invasive or arthroscopic surgery
- Open surgery including total ankle arthroplasty
- Realignment surgery of foot deformities