Taking a premature baby or a baby who has special needs home from the hospital is both an exciting and overwhelming adjustment for most parents. As you prepare to take your baby home, you may be thinking of his or her future medical and developmental needs.
The Neonatal Follow-Up Clinic can provide special attention and answers to your questions about your child's health, growth, nutrition and development. We provide individualized care with our comprehensive team of specialists in newborn and child health. If you have already chosen a pediatrician, we can supplement the care of your child with our services. We will provide early detection and intervention for your baby's growing needs while providing reassurance for you and your family.
What We Can Provide For You and Your Baby
- Management of the special medical needs of your baby (medications, feeding problems, chronic conditions such as lung disease, apnea monitor care)
- Coordination of appointments and tests with other specialists
- Developmental assessment and intervention to assure your child's best growth and development through his or her fifth birthday
- Referrals for visiting nurses, financial support, early intervention programs, assistance with transportation, and programs within your community
Professional Staff
- Neonatologists and Pediatricians - Physicians who have experience in the care of premature infants and babies with special health care needs.
- Nurse Practitioner / Clinical Nurse Specialist - Advanced practice nurses who manage the care of your baby.
- Neurodevelopmental Specialists - Neurodevelopmental Pediatrician, Physical Therapist, Psychologist and Speech/Language and Feeding Therapists work together to assess your child's motor skills, coordination, language and feeding.
- Social Worker - Can provide support and guidance in coordinating community, educational, medical and financial resources.
What will happen at the clinic?
All children will be seen by the various specialists, as needed. We will weigh and measure your baby, perform a physical examination (looking in ears, listening to lungs), give immunizations as needed, and assess your child's developmental/behavioral progress.
How long is a visit?
Depending on your child's needs and your concerns, the first visit may be up to 2 hours. Subsequent visits may be 1/2 to 1 hour.
How often are visits?
A schedule will be made to fit your child's needs.
Will insurance cover my visits?
Most health plans are accepted. However, coverage for the visit depends upon the limits of your insurance plan. If you currently have a managed care plan, we may need a referral from your child's pediatrician. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your coverage, please contact us.