Pelvic Rehabilitation

Throughout our lifetimes and particularly as we age, our bodies undergo physical changes that may impair the ability of the pelvic muscles to provide the support and control needed for normal function.  

There are many factors that can contribute to dysfunction of the pelvic muscles, such as pregnancy, childbirth (either vaginal or cesarean section), abdominal and pelvic surgery, a history of physical or emotional trauma, menopause, inefficient breathing habits, practicing activities or exercises that place undue physical strain on the pelvic muscles, ongoing emotional stress, and poor postural alignment.

Although conditions related to pelvic organ prolapse (drop), incontinence, pelvic pain/painful sex, or urinary urgency and frequency are common, each of these can significantly and adversely affect quality of life for both women and men. Fortunately, there are simple and effective strategies that can considerably improve symptoms associated with these conditions.

What is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

Pelvic floor physical therapy is a specialized form of rehabilitation that focuses on restoring optimal musculoskeletal balance and function to the muscles of the pelvis. The muscles in this area serve a number of important purposes, including:

  • Providing support to the organs within the pelvis (bladder, bowel, and reproductive organs).
  • Allowing the efficient passage of urine, stool, or gas.
  • Assisting in sexual function and enjoyment.

Who Will Benefit From Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

Women and men experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Frequent trips to the bathroom (more than six to eight times per day) or waking during the night to use the bathroom more than twice.
  • Inability to prevent leakage of urine or stool when experiencing an urge to go.
  • Leakage of urine with coughing, sneezing, laughing, movement, or exercise.
  • Lower back, abdominal, hip, or buttock pain.
  • Pain with bowel movements or constipation more than three times per week.
  • Pelvic, vaginal, or abdominal pain with sex.
  • Sensation of not completely emptying the bladder or having to strain to empty it.
  • Pelvic or abdominal pain because of scar tissue from childbirth, trauma, or surgery.

Your First Appointment

An evaluation will be performed to determine the type of intervention that will be most effective based on your symptoms. This includes a review of your medical and surgical history, including any medications you are taking. This is an opportunity to discuss your understanding of your condition and  provide details on your specific symptoms and how they affect you. 

The examination may include a visual inspection of your postural alignment, assessment of your spine and lower extremity flexibility and strength, and a careful examination of the strength, coordination, and relative tension or tenderness of your pelvic muscles. This information allows for the development of an appropriate rehabilitation program based on your specific symptoms and needs. You will receive a home exercise program as well as educational materials that will reinforce what you learn during your session.

Common Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Interventions:

  • Progression of an individualized exercise program for abdominal, back, lower extremity, and pelvic floor muscles.
  • Pelvic, abdominal, hip, lower extremity, and postural exercises to improve muscle and postural awareness and strength.
  • Educational strategies to improve control in the presence of bladder or bowel urgency, promote more complete and efficient emptying, optimize postural and pelvic alignment for pelvic organ support and function, and extend time between trips to the bathroom.
  • Instruction in relaxation techniques, including progressive muscle release, breathing, and guided imagery.
  • Soft tissue techniques, such as massage, connective tissue mobilization, and stretching for painful, tight muscles and connective tissue restrictions.
  • Scar massage for “bound down” or adhered scar tissue.
  • Education in proper body mechanics, including correct lifting techniques to protect the spine and pelvic joints.

Schedule an Appointment Today

To schedule an appointment a pelvic floor physical therapist call 856.325.6674, or use our request an appointment form to schedule online.