
Hypothyroidism, also referred to as an underactive thyroid, is a common condition that develops when the thyroid gland, the butterfly-shaped organ found in the neck, doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone. These hormones are essential for regulating various body bodily functions, including your metabolism, energy levels, and temperature. 

Hypothyroidism may not cause any symptoms at first or you may notice some weight gain and feelings of fatigue. As it progresses, the condition causes more noticeable symptoms. Left untreated, an underactive thyroid can cause other health issues like heart disease and high cholesterol. 

Hypothyroidism Symptoms

The potential symptoms of hypothyroidism may include: 

  • Hard stools or constipation.
  • Feelings of fatigue, or tiredness.
  • Heavier and irregular menstrual periods.
  • Joint or muscle pain.
  • Thin, brittle hair or fingernails.
  • Weight gain.
  • Sensitivity to cold. 
  • Dry skin and hair.
  • Puffy eyes and face, drooping eyelids.
  • Voice changes.
  • Muscle aches and weakness.
  • Memory problems.
  • Depression.

Hypothyroidism Causes

The risk of hypothyroidism increases with age. However, in many cases, the precise cause of the condition may not be known. There are, however, several potential causes of hypothyroidism, including: 

  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system causes injury to the thyroid gland.
  • Radioactive iodine treatment to the thyroid.
  • Thyroid surgery can lead to hypothyroidism.
  • Radiation therapy to the head and neck for some kinds of cancers.
  • Certain medications that can interfere with the thyroid’s function.
  • Congenital, or inherited, conditions in which a person is born with an underactive thyroid or a lower level of the hormone thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) from the pituitary gland, which regulates the thyroid.
  • Iodine deficiency, as iodine is needed for the thyroid to function properly.

How Is Hypothyroidism Diagnosed? 

To determine whether you have hypothyroidism, your doctor will first review your medical history and give you a physical exam that includes gently feeling your neck to see whether your thyroid gland is enlarged. 

A blood test is the primary way for your doctor to determine whether you have an underactive thyroid. The test measures the level of two main thyroid hormones in your blood -- thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (T4).  

Treatment Options for Hypothyroidism 

The primary treatment for hypothyroidism involves taking an oral medication like levothyroxine daily to restore the proper level of thyroid hormones your body needs. Those diagnosed with hypothyroidism will likely need to take hormone replacement medication daily for the rest of their lives, although the dose of the medication may change over time.

Recommended Diet for Hypothyroidism

While there is no specific diet to help treat hypothyroidism, there are steps you can take with your diet that can help keep your thyroid healthy and not interfere with your thyroid medications:

  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Avoid taking thyroid medication with other supplements, especially calcium supplements, iron supplements, and multivitamins that include iron.

Your doctor will give you specific guidance on how to take your thyroid medications and what foods and supplements you may need to avoid or limit.

Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy

Hypothyroidism during pregnancy can pose risks to both the mother and her developing baby, which relies on the mother’s thyroid hormones during the first few months of development. It is therefore important for pregnant women who have hypothyroidism to receive proper medical care and management to minimize any potential complications.

Some of the risks to a developing baby from uncontrolled hypothyroidism in the mother may include:

  • Pre-term birth.
  • Low birth weight.
  • Problems with brain development.
  • Developmental abnormalities.
  • Congenital, or inherited, hypothyroidism.

For pregnant women, uncontrolled hypothyroidism may increase the risk of: 

  • High blood pressure during pregnancy, also called gestational hypertension.
  • Anemia.
  • Miscarriage.
  • Preeclampsia.
  • Stillbirth.

Women diagnosed with hypothyroidism, who have symptoms, or who have a family history of the condition should have a TSH test when they find out they are pregnant. Pregnant women with an underactive thyroid will have their hormone levels monitored more frequently during their pregnancy to see if any adjustment is needed to their hormone replacement medication.

When You Should Talk to Your Doctor

Talk to your doctor about being tested for hypothyroidism if you are feeling tired for no reason or are experiencing other potential signs of the condition. 

To make an appointment with a Cooper endocrinologist who specializes in the treament of hypothyroidism, call 800.8.COOPER (800.826.6737), or use our online appointment request form.