Frequently Asked Questions

What is Direct Primary Care? 

A new way to receive high quality, comprehensive healthcare from a physician for a low, flat monthly fee. It is just doctors and patients. 

How do I join? 

Click here to join now.

How much does Direct Primary Care cost? 

$138 per month 

How do I pay for membership? 

By credit card.  Members have the option to pay month-to-month or for a full year. Credit card information is securely stored allowing automatic payment based on selected frequency of payment. 

Do I receive a discounted membership fee if I pay for a full year of membership? 


Can I use my FSA to pay for membership? 

No. IRS regulations suggest that payment for Direct Primary Care arrangements are typically viewed as payments for insurance and therefore would prohibit health FSAs from reimbursement. 

Is membership prorated? 

No. Membership is charged in full for the month that you join and subsequent months. 

Can I cancel membership early? 

Yes. Membership may be cancelled with a 30-day written notification. 

Do I receive a reimbursement of any prepaid fees if I cancel membership early? 

Yes. Your credit card will be reimbursed for the amount of any unused fees, provided 30 day written notice of cancellation is received. 

Does my DPC membership from a non-Cooper practice carry over? 

No. Membership fees are for joining Cooper Direct Primary Care and are independent from any current or previous memberships. 

How does my existing medical insurance work with Direct Primary Care? 

Direct Primary Care is not an insurance plan. You need to maintain medical insurance for coverage of medical services not covered under your Direct Primary Care membership.