Types of Pain We Treat

Types of Pain We Treat

Our multidisciplinary approach to care allows specialists at the Pain Management Center at Cooper to diagnose and treat all types of pain. We offer personalized treatment plans for both chronic (long-lasting) and acute (short-lasting) pain.

Arthritic and Joint Pain

Inflammation of the joints from arthritis can cause pain. Types of arthritic pain include:

  • Degenerative disc disease: Wear and tear on the discs, or the sacs in the spine that provide cushioning between the vertebrae, can cause pain.
  • Facet arthropathy: Arthritis in the facet joints of the spine, which make the back flexible, can cause low back pain.
  • Sacroiliac joint pain: Dysfunction or inflammation of the sacroiliac joint, which is between the spine and the pelvis, causes this type of pain. Sacroiliac joint pain begins in the lower back and can radiate to the hip, pelvis, and leg.

Muscle-Related Pain

Pain can also arise in the muscles, stemming from:

  • Myofascial pain: Tightened bands of muscular tissue cause this condition, leading to knots and discomfort in specific muscle groups. You may experience pain with movement or touch.
  • Piriformis syndrome: Pain in the hip and buttock area can arise from the piriformis muscle. This muscle runs from the lower spine to the top of the thigh bone and may put pressure on the sciatic nerve. 

Nerve Pain

Nerve damage can cause pain in several areas of the body. Examples of nerve damage we treat include:

  • Complex regional pain syndrome: Nerve damage from an injury causes this chronic pain, which can affect an arm, leg, hand, or foot.
  • Diabetic neuropathy: Diabetes can cause nerve damage throughout the body that results in tingling and pain.
  • Ilioinguinal neuralgia: This pain arises in the lower belly, genital area, and inner thigh from injury to the ilioinguinal nerve that runs through the lower back.
  • Occipital neuralgia: Damage to the occipital nerve can cause pain in the neck, the back of the head, and behind the eyes. This nerve comes out of the spine through the back of the neck and runs along the scalp.
  • Radiculopathy: Compression of a nerve root in the spinal column can cause pain in the neck or back.
  • Supraorbital neuralgia: Damage to the supraorbital nerve, which runs under the scalp and along the forehead, can cause forehead pain.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia: This facial pain typically results from a blood vessel putting pressure on the trigeminal nerve, which runs through the face.

Post-Surgery Pain

Some people experience pain after surgery. Types of post-surgery pain include:

  • Acute postoperative pain: This pain occurs immediately after surgery.
  • Post-dural-puncture headaches: These headaches come from a leakage of cerebrospinal fluid after having a lumbar puncture.
  • Post-hernia pain: This groin pain can occur after having surgery for a hernia repair.
  • Post-laminectomy syndrome: Chronic pain can occur after having a laminectomy, a surgical procedure that removes the back part of a vertebra to create room in the spinal canal.
  • Post-mastectomy syndrome: Chronic nerve pain can arise in the chest wall, armpit, or arm after having a mastectomy, or breast removal.
  • Post-thoracotomy pain: A surgical incision in the chest wall can cause chronic pain.

Spinal Pain

Damage to the spine can cause pain in a variety of ways, including:

  • Herniated discs: The rupture of the discs that provide cushioning between your vertebrae can cause pain in the neck or back.
  • Spinal stenosis: The narrowing of the spaces within the spine can place pressure on the spinal cord and other nerves, causing pain.
  • Spondylolisthesis: A stress fracture in a spinal disc can cause it to shift out of place, causing neck or back pain.
  • Spondylosis: A small stress fracture in the discs of the spine can cause pain in the neck or back. 

Other Causes of Pain

Other types of pain we treat include:

  • Cancer pain: A variety of tumors can cause pain. Our pain specialists work with oncologists from the MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper to manage your discomfort.
  • Chest wall pain: Muscle overuse or inflammation can cause pain in the chest wall, unrelated to heart disease.
  • Headaches: Headaches are the most common type of pain and can have a variety of causes, from stress or sinus problems to more serious underlying conditions.
  • Phantom limb pain: Ongoing, painful sensations can seem to come from an arm or leg that has been lost due to injury or amputation.
  • Post-herpetic neuralgia: Shingles, which is connected to the chicken pox virus, can cause this pain of the nerve fibers in your skin.
  • Post-trauma pain: Ongoing pain can occur after suffering a traumatic injury.
  • Urogenital pain: Pain in the pelvic and genital regions can occur in both men and women. It has many causes, including prostate changes in men and hormone fluctuations in women.

Contact Us

To learn more about the Pain Management Center at Cooper or to schedule an appointment, please call 856.963.6770.

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